Population Monitoring of the Critically Endangered Mekong Dolphin

Posted on November, 13 2015

WWF-Cambodia's Technical report on Population Monitoring of the Critically Endangered Mekong Dolphin Based on Rark-Resight Models
The Irrawaddy dolphin symbolizes the magnificence of the Mekong River and its continued high biodiversity.

This study reports on the estimate of Mekong dolphins abundance, survivorship, recruitment, population growth rate and population trend using photo-identification of individual dolphins collected between 2007 and 2015. It provides recommendations for future population monitoring and conservation strategies, and highlights the critical conservation situation now facing the Mekong dolphin population.
Approximately 1½ month old calf at the Kampi Pool
Approximately 1½ month old calf at the Kampi Pool. The mother is dolphin I.D. #81
© Lor Kim San / WWF-Cambodia