Earth Hour Cambodia highlights the need for stepping up efforts to build back better
Posted on March, 25 2023
Earth Hour is a testament to our collective power to make a difference. This year, people in Cambodia and across the world will come together to celebrate their hours for Earth.
“As citizens of the Earth, we are thankful to this planet for providing the oxygen to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat, pollination of plants, protection from extreme weather events, and much more vital to human’s life support system. Our reliance on the earth also means that we are interconnected with the earth,” said His Excellency Neth Pheaktra, Secretary of State to Ministry of Environment.
“It is critical now more than ever for us to give back to nature from daily doable practices including reduce, reuse and recycle, saying-no to the consumption of wild meat and wildlife products to help reduce negative impact on the natural environment, to a more in-depth involvement for example through investing in renewable energy alternatives to help protect Cambodia’s biodiversity and ecosystems,” His Excellency Neth Pheaktra added.
Everyone can contribute to Power of the Hour for the Earth. Earth Hour symbolizes unity and, this year, urges people in Cambodia and around the world to step up their positive efforts to build back better for sustainable development.
"Doing business as usual is no longer sufficient. We all must step up our efforts. Public health, social inclusion and biodiversity conservation are among critical components for Cambodia and societies around the world to adopt for a resilient recovery. And responsible tourism practices can help tourism companies and communities build back better,” said His Excellency Top Sopheak, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Tourism.
Recent events have forced people around the world to re-evaluate the vital importance of nature, its impact in our daily lives and the huge threats it faces. It has become clearer that our health and the health of our planet are intrinsically linked and both are under threat.
“Nature is our best ally to counteract the effects of climate change and to create a sustainable future because nature and biodiversity make our life possible, provide health and socioeconomic benefits,” said Mr. Seng Teak, WWF-Cambodia Country Director. “Restoring nature and biodiversity loss offers a win-win solution to save our environment and people’s wellbeing,” Mr. Teak added.
This Earth Hour, public entities, communities, businesses and individuals everywhere are urged to give an Hour for Earth by doing something – anything – positive for our Cambodian society and planet earth to build back stronger and better.
With the theme “Step Up, Build Back Better”, this year Cambodia celebrates its fourteenth Earth Hour by featuring exciting and educational activities including an environmental fair, exhibitions of community and environmentally-friendly products, talk shows, Earth Hour special recognition, as well as music and cultural performances for public awareness and people’s enjoyment at the same time.
Iconic to the Earth Hour event will be the celebration of the light-out moment at 8:30pm, Saturday March 25th. People across Cambodia and the world will join in showing their commitment for Earth by switching off their lights in buildings and households at this time, while about over one thousand people are expected to honor their light-out moment at the same time at FACTORY Phnom Penh, Sangkat Chak Angre Leu, National Road 2, Phnom Penh.
We profoundly thank
Our co-organizers: The Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Commerce, WWF-Cambodia & FACTORY Phnom Penh
Our sponsors: European Union, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Heineken, Coca Cola, Creal Cambodia
Our communications & media partners: Department of Media & Communications of RUPP, Aeon Mall, Sabay Group, Uniliver, Fresh News, AMS, Smart Axiata, South East Asia Globe, Wonders of the Mekong, Young Eco Ambassador, Meas Soksophea Heart Foundation, Ambassador’s Youth Council in Cambodia.
Media contact:
Ms. Borin Sopheavuthtey
010 456 488
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